Literature Request

As a leader in the industry, Carr Lane Manufacturing provides a variety of literature to assist today's engineer, including our comprehensive Product Catalog, our ever-popular Trig Book (Trigonometry Tables and Handy References for Engineers) (available in English and Spanish), and the Jig and Fixture Handbook manufacturing reference guide. 


Product Catalog Cover 2019

USA Product Catalog - You may choose to view online, download, or request a free print copy of our current USA catalog. You may view international versions of our product catalog by clicking on the link to the right of your screen. Select the appropriate country's flag for the international version you wish to review.





Trig Book (English & Spanish versions)

Trig Book (Trigonometry Tables and Handy References for Engineers) - You'll refer to this handy pocket reference time and again. It contains: decimal equivalents, USA and metric thread sizes and tap drills, standard drill sizes, USA and metric counterbored holes for cap screws, surface finishes, USA and metric clamping force of standard clamp straps, basic numbering system for steels, machinability comparison of various metals, hardness conversions and tensile strength, metric prefixes, conversion factors for units of measure, and trigonometry calculations (including trigonometry functions, right triangles, and oblique triangles).
Item # CL-TRIG (English version)
$1.00 each
Available in packs of 10, these trig books come 12 packs to a case. Please order in whole packs when ordering. 



Libro Trig (Tablas de trigonometría y referencias útiles para ingenieros) - consultará este libro de referencia una y otra vez. Contenido: equivalentes decimales, tamaño de rosca y tamaño de la broca para roscar en pulgadas y métricas, tamaño de broca estándar, agujeros escariados para tornillos cabeza allen en pulgadas y métricas, acabados de superficie, fuerza de sujeción de correas de sujetadores estándar en pulgadas y métricas, sistema de numeración básico para aceros, comparación de maquinabilidad de diversos metales, conversiones de dureza y fuerza de tensión, prefijos métricos, factores de conversión para unidades de medición y cálculos de trigonometría (incluyendo funciones de trigonometría, tríangulos rectángulos y triángulos oblicuos). 

Articulo # CL-TRIG-ES (edición español)

$1 cada uno

Disponibles en paquetes de 10. Cada caja contiene 12 paquetes. Por favor ordene paquetes completos al hacer su pedido.





Jig & Fixture Handbook

Jig and Fixture Handbook-Third Edition 

- You'll refer to this multi-chapter, completely illustrated, reference manual again and again, with step-by-step instructions on jigs and fixtures. This quality, comprehensive applications manual will help you choose between modular, permanent and hydraulic fixtures, and provides information and photographs of hundreds of components. 

AVAILABLE NOW as an e-book from the Amazon Kindle Bookstore

You don't need a Kindle device to read this book. You can download a free Kindle reading app here to use on your tablet, android phone, iPhone, PC or Mac.  

$9.95 each