Jigs vs. Fixtures: Understanding the Key Differences in Manufacturing Operations

Jigs and fixtures are essential in manufacturing operations to improve efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. However, there is often a common misconception and misuse of the terms “jigs” and “fixtures.”

Confusion around these components may lead to mistakes in their application. Understanding the critical differences between jigs and fixtures is crucial to utilize them effectively in mass-production processes.

Jigs and fixtures are not interchangeable; they have different purposes and distinct characteristics. A jig controls the location of a cutting machine tool to work at a predefined place on a workpiece. Jigs ensure precise and consistent results from work-holding devices, allowing the cutting tool to perform optimally.

On the other hand, a fixture supports and locates a workpiece during the machining or assembly processes. Fixtures provide stability and accuracy.

This article will delve into the essential differences between jigs and fixtures. Understanding these key differences can help manufacturers make informed decisions when selecting and implementing jigs and fixtures in their production processes. This can lead to improved efficiency and quality.


Jigs: Definition and Function

Jigs control and guide the cutting tool to work at a predefined location on a workpiece. The primary function of a jig is to refer the tool. Machine operations carry out in the right, precise location, with the proper cutting force.

Using a jig ensures that machining processes are consistent and repeatable. These tools help eliminate the potential for errors. These include variations in the operator's skill level or inconsistencies in the workpiece.

Jigs, by nature, are not fixed themselves. With a jig, the cutting tool is fixed relative to the workpiece. This reduces the likelihood of mistakes and allows for precise and efficient machining.

Jigs are used extensively in the manufacturing industry for various applications. A jig holds the block in place for engine blocks while the cylinder bores are machined. Bores are precisely located and machined to the correct size and depth.


Fixtures: Definition and Function

A fixture is a tool for supporting and locating a workpiece during machining or assembly operations. Unlike jigs, fixtures hold the workpiece fixed on the machine table. They provide support and stability during machining or assembly.

The primary function of a fixture is to provide support and stability to the workpiece during machining or assembly. They are often fixed to perform a specific operation. This stability is critical for achieving the required level of accuracy in the machining or assembly process.

Fixtures also ensure that the workpiece is held in the correct position and orientation relative to the cutting tool/assembly equipment. This is essential for producing high-quality parts.

Fixtures for aircraft wings hold the wing components in place during welding and assembly. Fixtures ensure that the components are held in the correct position and orientation relative to each other. This is critical for achieving the required level of precision in the assembly process.


Key Differences Between Jigs and Fixtures in Machining Operations

Jigs and fixtures are essential in mass production processes to improve efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. While these terms are often mistakenly used interchangeably, it is crucial to understand their key differences.

To further highlight the differences between jigs and fixtures, a comparison table is below:

Attribute Jigs Fixtures
Function Guide the tool on the workpiece Support and locate the workpiece
Design & Construction Lighter, less complex Heavier, more complex
Materials Typically, lighter materials Can be made from heavier materials
Clamping May not require additional clamping Requires clamping and accessories
Usage Can be held or fixed to a table Requires setup and positioning
Purpose Controls tool movement Supports workpiece
Application Used for precise tool positioning Used for workpiece positioning
Typical Use Machining, drilling, routing Welding, assembly, inspection
Benefits Improved accuracy, repeatability Enhanced workpiece stability
Limitations Limited workpiece support Less tool guidance
Examples Drilling holes, cutting shapes Holding and aligning parts for welding


Examples of Jig and Fixture Applications

Manufacturers in many different industries can achieve improved efficiency, accuracy, and productivity in their manufacturing processes with jigs and fixtures. These tools reduce errors, minimize rework, and enhance overall product quality, leading to increased operational efficiency and cost savings.



Jigs are extensively used in machining operations such as drilling, milling, and routing. For instance, a jig can guide the drill bit to precise locations on a workpiece in a drilling operation. This ensures consistent hole placement and alignment. Similarly, jigs can guide the cutting tool to create complex shapes with high precision in milling operations.


Fixtures hold and align workpieces during welding operations. Fixtures provide stability and accurate positioning, ensuring that the workpieces are joined correctly, resulting in high-quality welds.


Fixtures are widely utilized in assembly processes to align and hold parts together during assembly operations. They ensure the accurate positioning of components, facilitating smooth and efficient assembly.


Jigs and fixtures are used in inspection processes to ensure the accuracy and quality of manufactured parts. For instance, jigs can hold and position measuring devices to precisely inspect the dimensions and tolerances of workpieces.


Unlock the Full Potential of Jigs & Fixtures

Understanding the unique functions and applications of jigs and fixtures is crucial for optimizing manufacturing operations. Careful selection and implementation of jigs and fixtures based on specific production requirements can improve efficiency, accuracy, and productivity.

Jigs and fixtures are essential tools that can unlock the full potential of manufacturing processes when utilized effectively.

Carr Lane Mfg. is a trusted provider of jig and fixture solutions. We can offer expertise and support in selecting and implementing the right tools for your production needs.

Looking to take your manufacturing operations to the next level? Leverage the benefits of jigs and fixtures with Carr Lane Mfg.’s comprehensive offerings and exceptional customer service.